Project Example

What Do I Do If?… Ideas for Young Women Living with HIV

This leaflet is aimed at women who are living with HIV. It emphasizes that one should not be discriminated against because of on’e sHIV status, and explains the need to know one’s rights and where to turn for help if needed.

The leaflet encourages young women with HIV to take time to build their self-esteem, deal with their own feelings about their HIV status, and think about the quaities they value in a partner and in a relationship.

It presents and answers the following questions:

What do I do if:

  • I do not want to get pregnant?
  • I want to be in a relationship
  • I want to end a pregnancy?
  • I want to get pregnant?
  • I want to have a healthy pregnancy for me and my baby?
  • I want to practise safer sex?
  • I want to protect my partner from HIV and other STIs?
  • I want to tell my partner or my family that I am living with HIV?

Source: International Planned Parenthood Federation

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019