Mobilising the Community – A PILLARS Guide
This PILLARS guide takes the basis of the community mobilization process and shares it in a way that will help a well-organised and motivated group to use the process without outside help. It would be helpful to churches keen to support their communities or to any small groups or NGO seeking to bring changes that benefit local people. The purpose of the guide is to: 1. help church and community leaders understand their capacity to encourage positive change in their local area, 2. help local people understand their own unique situation, 3. raise awareness in local people and leaders of the value of organizing the community to take positive action, and 4. encourage local people to gain confidence in their own abilities to work toward making changes.
In addition to the basics of community mobilization, the guide contains a Bible Studies section, to be used by church groups as an essential and ongoing part of the process.
Last modified: March 25, 2019
Language: English