Holly Freitas

Holly graduated from Seattle Pacific University in 1989 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She worked a an RN in the US Army for 4 years, specializing in OB/GYN. After working many years in both hospital and outpatient settings, Holly began to pursue work in international health. She co-authored a women’s health curriculum and authored a multi-module HIV curriculum for international use. In 2006, she and her family, moved to Tanzania, East Africa where she began extensive work with the Maasai people group. In 2007, she developed an educational HIV video together with her Maasai colleagues. She completed her Master’s Degree in Public Health with a focus on Community Health Education in 2011. Holly and her family continued to live in Tanzania until fall of 2014 when they returned to the US. Holly continues to focus her efforts internationally as a consultant for Social and Behavioral Change Communication.