Encuentros Video Participativos de Investigacion-Accion: Guia Practica [Participatory Video Meetings: An Action-Research Tool]

This guide walks users step-by-step through the application of an Action Research method known as Participatory Video Meetings. Although the videos in this guide deal with Maternal and Neonatal Health, the tool can be used to address any health topic and can be adapted to meet the needs of a community and organizations wishing to conduct Action Research.

The Participatory Video Meetings methodology consists of meetings in which short videos or video images of a real-life situation are shown. These videos prompt dialogue and discussion among those in attendance.

This guide contains three parts as well as a section of annexes at the end. The first section deals with the most important resource for this kind of work: human resources, or the primary material of the research. The second section contains instructions on holding Participatory Video Meetings, and presents the objectives of the video clips along with the general requirements for producing them. This section provides general information about how to organize and document the meetings. The third section covers the dialogic and participatory processes that go beyond the actual methodology but support its use.

Last modified: July 23, 2021

Language: Spanish

The ENGAGE-TB Approach: Operational Guidance

The purpose of this document is to provide operational guidance to NGOs and other Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and National Tuberculosis Programs (NTPs) or their equivalents in implementing and scaling-up integrated community-based TB prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care using the ENGAGE-TB approach. The ENGAGE-TB approach seeks to shift the global perspective of TB from only a medical illness to a more comprehensive socioeconomic and community problem. ENGAGE-TB is a brand that proposes six areas to facilitate the engagement of NGOs and other CSOs in community-based TB activities. This document describes the basic operational principles for effective collaboration between NTPs and NGOs and other CSOs. The principles are aligned with the Stop TB Strategy and are complementary to existing guidelines for engaging all health care providers (including NGOs) in TB prevention and care as part of a public–private mix. This guidance emphasizes that NGOs or other CSOs (such as FBOs) providing facility-based TB services (e.g. hospitals, health centers and clinics) should also implement community-based TB activities using the ENGAGE-TB approach.

Last modified: July 23, 2021

Language: English, French, Spanish

IFRC Malaria Toolkit

The malaria toolkit is comprised of four modules:

  • LLIN scale-up and hang-up
  • Behaviour change communication
  • Malaria prevention in the community
  • Supervision of community based volunteers

Two modules, LLIN scale-up and hang-up and malaria prevention in the community, provide materials specifically designed to improve our malaria prevention efforts. They offer guidance on best practices and priority setting.

The behaviour change communication and supervision of community based volunteers modules are broader in scope and will be useful for most Red Cross and Red Crescent activities.

This set of publications is the latest in the International Federation’s fight against malaria. For the first time, it puts together in one package training guides for facilitators, supervisors and volunteers, documentation and examples of good practice. It is aimed broadly at anyone in National Societies around the world who wants to ensure that the battle to prevent and control malaria has behind it a policy, a set of tactics and techniques and useful example documents that will be effective in, and modified for, their own culture and environment.

Last modified: July 23, 2021

Language: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish

It’s All One Curriculum: Guidelines and Activities for a Unified Approach to Sexuality, Gender, HIV, and Human Rights Education

Research shows that young people need chances to learn about gender equality and human rights, particularly because these issues affect their sexual lives, and indeed, their happiness. Most sex education programs have lagged in applying these findings. Few sex education curricula address issues of gender and rights in a meaningful way, and few sex or HIV curricula have demonstrated a statistically significant impact either on unintended pregnancy or on sexually transmitted infections. The lesson—which we ignore at adolescents’ peril—is that gender equality and human rights are not just lofty goals. Rather, they are key to preventing the spread of HIV and to enabling young people to grow up to enjoy good health, as well as responsible and satisfying sexual lives.

This two-book kit provides the essential elements for developing a rights-based, gender-sensitive, and participatory curriculum for sexuality and HIV education. It includes two books. Book 1 contains Guidelines, with an introduction that includes an evidence-based policy argument for this type of education. It has seven content units (each with Learning Objectives, Key Content, and Points for Reflection), and a final project-based unit (to support advocacy and apply lessons learned), along with 22 fact sheets. Book two contains activities which focus on effective teaching methods – there are 54 sample activities.

Last modified: July 23, 2021

Language: Bangla, Chinese, English, French, Spanish

Learning Package for SBCC Facilitator’s Guide

This is a six-module learning package for facilitated, face-to-face workshops on social and behavior change communication (SBCC). Designed for communication practitioners in small and medium-sized development organizations, the modules comprise the following downloadable documents: 1) Practitioner’s Handbook for each module, 2) Facilitator’s Guide for each module along with an overall Facilitator’s Preparation, and 3) Additional Resources. Module 0 introduces participants to SBCC. Modules 1 through 5 focus on one distinct step of C-Planning: 1: Understanding the Situation, 2: Focusing & Designing, 3: Creating, 4: Implementing & Monitoring, and 5: Evaluating & Replanning. These modules focus on building essential SBCC competencies, feature practical tools, use field examples, and create opportunities for participants to apply what they learn to their own programs. Facilitators may adapt the content to learners’ profiles and the time available and substitute their own examples. Facilitator Preparation: Includes an overview of the approach, the course and resources for preparation, facilitation, field-testing, and evaluation.

This Facilitator Guide provides insight into the content and activities for each module.

Last modified: July 23, 2021

Language: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish

Learning Package for SBCC Practitioner’s Handbook

This is a six-module learning package for facilitated, face-to-face workshops on social and behavior change communication (SBCC). Designed for communication practitioners in small and medium-sized development organizations, the modules comprise the following downloadable documents: 1) Practitioner’s Handbook for each module, 2) Facilitator’s Guide for each module along with an overall Facilitator’s Preparation, and 3) Additional Resources. Module 0 introduces participants to SBCC. Modules 1 through 5 focus on one distinct step of C-Planning: 1: Understanding the Situation, 2: Focusing & Designing, 3: Creating, 4: Implementing & Monitoring, and 5: Evaluating & Replanning. These modules focus on building essential SBCC competencies, feature practical tools, use field examples, and create opportunities for participants to apply what they learn to their own programs. Facilitators may adapt the content to learners’ profiles and the time available and substitute their own examples. Facilitator Preparation: Includes an overview of the approach, the course and resources for preparation, facilitation, field-testing, and evaluation.

This handbook is designed for practitioners who want to build their own capacity to develop, implement, monitor, and replan quality SBCC programs and contribute to collective learning about SBCC.

The course is designed so that the participants will learn about:

  • The five systematic steps of SBCC—from planning through implementation and re‐planning
  • The Socio‐Ecological Model for Change and SBCC theories, models, and approaches to analyze how change happens
  • How advocacy, social mobilization, and BCC strategies can work together

Last modified: July 23, 2021

Language: English, Spanish

A Manual for Integrating Gender into Reproductive Health and HIV Programs: From Commitment to Action (2nd Edition)

This manual provides detailed instructions and tools for planning, developing, implementing and evaluating gender-sensitive programs for reproductive health and HIV. Available in English, Spanish and French, the manual includes guidelines and tools for gender analysis and for gender integration in the development of programs, an example of a completed gender-analysis tool, and illustrative case studies for each step of the program development cycle.

Last modified: July 23, 2021

Language: English, French, Spanish

Mobilising the Church: A PILLARS Guide

PILLARS guides aim to increase confidence among group members, so that they can successfully manage change within their own situation without the need for outside intervention. They try to build on existing knowledge and experiences among the members or within their community, so that different ideas can be tried out, adapted, and then either abandoned if not found useful, or adopted if found useful.

This guide encourages churches to see their work not only in terms of sharing and teaching spiritual truths but also in providing practical help and support within their communities. It includes ideas for helping the whole church to gain a vision for working in this way, based on biblical teaching. It looks at the need for servant leadership, which builds up and strengthens all church members. It gives suggestions as to how churches can widen their vision and improve their support for their communities. There are also pages on the importance of changing attitudes, learning through Bible study, planning and encouraging listening and facilitation skills.

Last modified: July 23, 2021

Language: English, Spanish

Radio and HIV/AIDS: Making a Difference [Handbook]

This handbook contains practical guidelines for planning, researching, designing, producing and evaluating HIV/AIDS programs on the radio. Its focus is on the practical issues and approaches involved but does not attempt to cover the technicalities of radio production. This handbook may be of interest to:

  • Radio practitioners (managers, editors, reporters and producers), involved at present or in the future in HIV/AIDS and other health media campaigns
  • Journalists involved in covering HIV/AIDS related issues
  • Managers and communications personnel in HIV/AIDS organisations, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and government departments
  • Aid agencies funding health projects and/or development communications projects

The handbook contains chapters on: research, selecting issues, program formats, making radio interactive, pretesting, scheduling, campaign planning, partnerships, monitoring and evaluation, training and sustainability. This handbook has been used widely as the standard guidelines by UNAIDS offices since 1999. The authors have anecdotal evidence of hundreds of health communication professions over the past 14 years who have used it and found it extremely useful and relevant.

Last modified: July 23, 2021

Language: English, French, Spanish

Social and Behavior Change Capacity Assessment Tool for Donors and Networks

The SBCC-CAT for Donors and Networks assists donors and networks to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their current programs and those of partners they support. It also helps agencies define activities that strengthen staff’s capacity, refocus programs, and improve the overall quality of their SBCC efforts. Using the SBCC-CAT as a measurement tool over time will allow for agencies to assess their own, and their partners’, increased competencies and capacity in SBCC.

Last modified: July 23, 2021

Language: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish