Alieu K. Bah

I am a health promotion officer working for the government of the Gambia. I work in the region’s where I am responsible for the coordination of all health education and promotion activities in the region. I have been working in this position since 15th November 2016. Prior to this, I have worked in almost all the tiers of the health system of my country. I started as an assistant public health officer, then rose to a public health officer after completion of my BSc programme. After 1 year in this position I moved to programme level where I was a programme officer at the Vector Control Unit of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare where I lasted just for 3 months and got redeployed to the regional health directorate as Health Promotion and Education Officer. As a regional Health Promotion and Education officer I am the focal person for SBCC for the Maternal Child Nutrition And Health Results Project which my region is implementing.