Bisi Bright

Bisi Bright is a Consultant Clinical Pharmacist, Lecturer and Public Health Manager. She is 1st Vice Chairman and CEO of LiveWell Initiative LWI, a nonprofit healthcare enterprise which is targeted at empowering populations across the spectrum with health literacy. Through its Academy, the organization has trained and mentored several undergraduates and postgraduate students in various field sof healthcare and the social sciences.
•Former Secretary General of the West African Postgraduate College of Pharmacists and past Africa/Middle East rep of the FIP PI (International Pharmaceutical Federation), she sat on the Faculty of the Economist Conferences’ Healthcare in Africa.
•Served on 2 Working Groups of FIP (Maternal & Child Health / Patients as Partners)
•She designed and Chaired an FIP Session F2 in Lisbon, Portugal and has delivered papers at 5 FIP Congresses
•Currently co-supervising a Doctoral (PhD) Research at the University of Helsinki, Finland, at LiveWell Initiative LWI
•An Alumnus of the Anderson School of Management , UCLA in Public Health Management
•Works in the areas of Noncommunicable Diseases, Maternal & Child Health, Nutrition and Wellness, Illness Poverty Alleviation, Executive Health, Workplace Wellness & Worklife Balance, Personal Hygiene Handwashing & Etiquette, Community Health Outreaches, Screening , Ebola Counselling & Hepatitis Screening, Health Empowerment & Healthcare Capacity Development in the areas of Soft Skills & Technical Knowhow.