Dharma has Over 32 years working experience in the INGOs and USAID, UNDP, UNFPA funded various projects in the area of Social and Behavior Change Communication as a tool for social/community mobilization, technical and programmatic part of the media communication/campaigns, radio/TV media communications development, production and broadcasting, graphic design/development/coordination/management/ production/dissemination of IEC/SBCC and advocacy materials at the central and field level.
•Experience working in the development of case/success stories, photography and video coverage.
•Experience in management of audio-video materials and archive/ documentation of various important documents.
•Experience of working in the field of information technology skills, computer hardware/software, photography, video coverage, audio recording of any official activities/events.
•Creative PowerPoint presentations, layout/formatting/editing/publication, documentation and dissemination of program-related information materials, generate in-house progress reports, workshop materials/proceedings,
•Development of work plans, budgets, administrative/financial matters, etc.
•Experience in collaborating with multiple program stakeholders and partners under consortium approach.
•Associated with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communication Programs (JHU.CCP Nepal) since July 17, 1995. Currently he is providing technical assistance to Nepal HC3 project.
Dharma Raj Bajracharya