Barbara de Zalduondo

Barbara de Zalduondo is an independent consultant specializing in the social determinants and dimensions of HIV and other complex biosocial challenges in global health. With 30 years of research, policy, and management experience in social sciences and public health in low- and middle-income countries. Dr. de Zalduondo has designed and led collaborative HIV programme planning and evaluation, policy analysis, capacity development and evidence based advocacy initiatives for combination HIV prevention at global and country levels. She has driven innovative, collaborative research on social protection and HIV, sex work and HIV, HIV-related stigma, measurement of HIV prevention outcomes, and on the interplay of culture, health and sexuality in HIV risk behaviour. Formerly a Division Chief, Associate Director, and Senior Advisor to the Deputy Executive Director of UNAIDS, Director of Global Strategies at Social & Scientific Systems, Inc., Senior Technical Advisor at USAID Division of HIV/AIDS, and on the faculty of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, she holds a PhD in biological anthropology from Harvard University and a Master of Science in Behavioral Sciences from The Harvard School of Public Health.

Susan B. Aradeon

SBCC Specialist: Susan served for 11 years as resident BCC Adviser for Maternal Newborn Child Health including polio and HIV/AIDS programs in Nigeria and Benin (seconded by Mannion Daniels, Ltd., JHUCCP and PATH respectively) and for 20+ years with UNFPA, DFID/UKaid, USAID, IPPF and Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria. Susan has facilitated development of SBCC strategies and their implementation along with rapid survey monitoring tools and major household surveys. Susan developed Community Communication, a community mobilization intervention for normative change utilizing innovative rapid entertainment education tools that empower health workers, community volunteers and health session participants to become community communicators regardless of their literacy level or social status. She has supported local development of multimedia products (print, radio, DVD) and traveling theater. Her pragmatic, culturally sensitive approach also led to the development of Rapid IPC training for health workers. Her in-school adolescent reproductive health interventions were adapted for NGO peer education activities. Susan has trained and mentored government BCC officers and consultants, transferring leadership to local personnel. She is the principal author of numerous manuals, publications, project report chapters and conference presentations. Susan has carried out field work in most West African and Pacific countries and in South Sudan and Lesotho. She is fluent in French.

Salah Elkhawaga

Health Projects expert worked with international and national multi sectoral organizations for more than 30 years. Two years experience as capacity Building Manager in a USAID funded project named Integrated Community Development Imitative in undeserved area in Cairo (Al Darb Al Ahmar) assigned to manage capacity building of new recruited Social Change Agents (youth leaders, literacy facilitators, health educators, and Community Development Associations) Five years’ experience as Community Mobilization Manager at Pathfinder International Egypt Project “Integrated Reproductive Health Project (Takamol Project)” responsible for communication and behavior change interventions at the community as well as the health facilities levels. Two years’ experience as a Training Consultant with Catalyst/Tahseen (Pathfinder International project) assigned to design curricula for community stakeholders such as religious leaders, family life education facilitators, volunteer outreach workers, agricultural extension workers, media professional, literacy facilitators, and youth and manage training activities. Three years’ experience as a Training and Medical Education Advisor at NGO called Egyptian Fertility Care Society (EFCS) assigned to coordinate the efforts of the National Curriculum Coordination Committee formed from the heads of OB/Gyn departments in 14 Egyptian Medical Schools.

Pranab Rajbhandari

Independent Consultant – Health and Development

Michael Wod-Awat Olworo

International Development Consultant specializing in strategic communication:
strategy development and implementation.


Overseeing the development and production of information and communication outreach materials

Cross-cutting areas such as crisis communication, gender analysis and mainstreaming in communication programmes, cross-cultural communication, etc.

Joel Oduor Otieno

Joel is a Community and Public Health Nutritionist with an extensive knowledge and a wealth of experience in health and nutrition programming, monitoring and evaluation, capacity development, global health and international development. He holds a Bsc in Food Nutrition and Dietetics from South Eastern Kenya University and a Micromasters of Leadership in Global Development at The University of Queensland, Australia.
Currently, Joel is a Research and Field Officer at EpiStat Research with a focus on building capacities in SMART Methodology. The bulk of the work mainly targets planning and execution of nutrition assessments, development of survey tools and protocols, report writing, representation and communication.
With the 3 years of experience, Joel has worked as a Clinical Nutritionist working with People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in the Comprehensive Care Clinics, Pregnant and Lactating Women at the Maternal Child Health Centers and management of malnourished children through implementation of the Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition Protocol.
With knowledge of Leadership on Global Development and Nutrition, Joel is available for opportunities that may call for skills and competence in the following area of interest; project management, monitoring and evaluation, cash transfer programming, community management of acute malnutrition, water sanitation and hygiene, food nutrition and security, sustainable development and global health.

Joel Lozare

Information, Education and Communication Specialist