Job Position: Program Implementation
Nakul Sedai
Program and Administrative Assistant – Johns Hopkin University – Center for Communications Program – Health Communication Capacity Collaborative Nepal Project
Katabaire John David Kats
Moon Pradhan
Integrated Communication Program Manager – Johns Hopkin University – Center for Communications Program – Health Communication Capacity Collaborative Nepal Project
Provide ongoing technical assistance for the Media Outreach Communication component of the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) Nepal project including Family Planning umbrella campaign and extension campaigns for Youth, Migrants and Disadvantaged Groups. Coordination with government counterpart National Health Education, Communication and Information Center (NHEICC) to develop national Family Planning Advocacy campaign.
Misganaw Tewachew
Michael Toso
Mike Toso is a Malaria Program Officer for HC3. He is a public health professional with more than 7 years experience in international development, 5 of which were devoted to health project design and implementation in the field. Prior to joining Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Communication Programs and its HC3 project, Mike worked in Senegal as the President’s Malaria Initiative liaison for the Stomping Out Malaria in Africa Peace Corps initiative. Prior to working in Senegal, Mike completed a masters in Community Health Education with Western Illinois University and the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs Peace Corps Fellows program. While completing his masters, he completed a year-long internship with Southern Illinois Healthcare implementing a methamphetamine prevention grant for adolescents in Zeigler, Illinois. Mike served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Niger before grad school, his experiences there appear in the Peace Corps anthology, One Hand Does Not Catch A Buffalo’s final chapter, Sustainable Peace.