ENGAGE-TB: Implementation Manual

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to NGOs and other Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and National Tuberculosis Programs (NTPs) or their equivalents in implementing and scaling-up integrated community-based TB prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care using the ENGAGE-TB approach. . The ENGAGE-TB approach seeks to shift the global perspective of TB from only a medical illness to a more comprehensive socioeconomic and community problem. ENGAGE-TB is a brand that proposes six areas to facilitate the engagement of NGOs and other CSOs in community-based TB activities. The manual has three objectives:

  • To explain simply how the ENGAGE-TB operational guidance can be implemented by NGOs/CSOs and by NTPs
  • To explain simply how community-based TB activities can be integrated into sectors such as PHC, HIV care, MNCH, water and sanitation, agriculture, livelihoods and education
  • To explain the importance of the two community engagement indicators and the need to record community contributions within NTP monitoring systems

The manual also explains how the progress of community-based TB activities may be periodically evaluated. The approach was piloted in five African countries: the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa and the United Republic of Tanzania. The experience from these pilots contributed to developing the contents of this manual. An informal meeting of experienced NGO leaders in March 2013 also contributed valuable ideas on integrating TB into community-based health and development programmes.

Last modified: July 23, 2021

Language: English