Facilitation Skills Workbook

Discussion-based learning using PILLARS Guides should ideally be facilitated by a group member who is confident about sharing new ideas with others and sensitive enough to listen and draw out the views of all group members. This person should be committed to helping the group achieve its aims more effectively by learning together.

Some people are naturally good at facilitating discussion. Other people may initially lack confidence and will benefit from training and the opportunity to first practice using facilitation skills in a learning situation.

Tearfund has developed a workbook on facilitation skills. It provides training material for people who plan to use PILLARS Guides in their local communities that can be used as part of regular training sessions or can be delivered as a five day workshop. Participants will become familiar with the content of several PILLARS Guides and learn how to adapt their use. They will gain participatory learning skills, understand the qualities and skills of a good facilitator and gain confidence in using PILLARS Guides with community groups. The training uses participatory methods and role play.

Last modified: January 17, 2022

Language: English