A Guide for Training PHE Community-based Distributors

This training guide was developed for use in courses to train population, health and environment (PHE) Community-based Distributors (CBDs) who work on integrated PHE activities.

A PHE CBD is a Ministry of Health (MOH) community volunteer, local storeowner, storekeeper, accredited drug dispensary, community village worker, or a member of a people’s organization (PO) or a cooperative, etc. that/who is trained to provide information on PHE, family planning (FP) methods, and the stocking and sales of FP commodities.

This training guide should be used to train new PHE CBDs over the suggested two-day period. It contains 12 modules covering basic topics that PHE CBDs need to know to discuss basic ecology, PHE linkages, and reproductive health/family planning with community members within a PHE context. The modules include the latest in international FP norms and guidance on sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Last modified: July 23, 2021

Language: English