The Infection Control Symbol Package

This is a collection of graphical symbols for communicating infection control situations and best practices, from simple hand hygiene reminders to warnings of outbreak or isolation situations.

Using symbols to protect pubic health and safety is both very common and effective. Traffic signs prevent road deaths and hazard warning symbols on household products emphasize cautions needed when handling. The same works for infection control. There are proven interventions that prevent infection and save lives and connecting them to symbols ensures they are followed.

These symbols were created from the ground up to be inclusive – to work in any field, in any country and speak to people who possess any level of literacy.

The “Stop: Clean Your Hands” symbol alone has been in use at the top of hundreds of hand hygiene stations across Canada since 2005. In addition, the package and templates containing our symbols have been hosted by the Ebola Communication Network site since 2014.

The contents of the Infection Control Symbol Package are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Last modified: March 25, 2019

Language: English