JHU/CCP Pathways Models

This is a collection of Pathways™ Models from various country and global projects at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs (CCP).

CCP’s approach is based on the knowledge that strategic communication is central to combating the world’s major development problems. CCP has been a pioneer in social and behavior change communication for health. This approach recognizes effective communication is grounded in a particular socio-ecological context, including enabling environments, service delivery systems, communities, husbands and wives, family members and individuals. CCP specializes in identifying and understanding pathways to change within these complex systems and developing bold strategies that address these behavioral pathways, and then mobilizes a comprehensive array of communication approaches including digital media, broadcast media, community mobilization, interpersonal communication, advocacy and capacity building to catalyze change. The framework for all of this work is the Pathways™ Model. This document illustrates several basic and enhanced Pathways™ Models for various country and health topic-specific projects.

Last modified: March 25, 2019

Language: English