Assessment Tool for Youth Peer Education Programs
The Peer Education Toolkit is a group of resources designed to help program managers and master trainers of peer educators. The five parts of the toolkit are based on research and evidence from the field as well as local examples and experiences. This publication is specifically intended for use by managers and staff of peer education projects of any size, working with any youth audience. This tool is designed for assessment teams, project managers, supervisors, and others to assess the quality of community-based youth peer education (YPE) programs. This tool provides instruments and a process that can help in this task. It is not designed to measure the impact of a YPE program in a formal evaluation or research project. However, findings from assessments using this tool could be components in more formal evaluations. The tool is based on eight checklists, which were developed and validated in a two-phase research study on the productivity, sustainability, and effectiveness of YPE programs.
Last modified: July 23, 2021
Language: English