Developing Strategic Plans: A Tool for Community- and Faith-Based Organizations
This tool contains background information on aspects of strategic planning, as well as a series of exercises for community organizations. Working through the exercises results in the development of a strategic plan.
This tool is designed to facilitate the development of a strategic plan by members of community organizations and external facilitators providing capacity building support. Alternately, the tool may be self-administered by the implementing community organization. Each section contains an outline of the activity, as well as clear instructions for conducting the session. Specific management terms are defined and suggested responses are included for those activities which solicit definitions from participants. This allows participants to develop their own understanding of terms. It also helps participants understand how developing a strategic plan can improve the way they work. It is highly recommended that the questions and suggested responses be adapted to suit the local context where necessary. This should be done before using the tool, with the participation of the community organizations involved.
Last modified: July 23, 2021
Language: English