Encuentros Video Participativos de Investigacion-Accion: Guia Practica [Participatory Video Meetings: An Action-Research Tool]

This guide walks users step-by-step through the application of an Action Research method known as Participatory Video Meetings. Although the videos in this guide deal with Maternal and Neonatal Health, the tool can be used to address any health topic and can be adapted to meet the needs of a community and organizations wishing to conduct Action Research.

The Participatory Video Meetings methodology consists of meetings in which short videos or video images of a real-life situation are shown. These videos prompt dialogue and discussion among those in attendance.

This guide contains three parts as well as a section of annexes at the end. The first section deals with the most important resource for this kind of work: human resources, or the primary material of the research. The second section contains instructions on holding Participatory Video Meetings, and presents the objectives of the video clips along with the general requirements for producing them. This section provides general information about how to organize and document the meetings. The third section covers the dialogic and participatory processes that go beyond the actual methodology but support its use.

Last modified: July 23, 2021

Language: Spanish