IFRC Malaria Toolkit
The malaria toolkit is comprised of four modules:
- LLIN scale-up and hang-up
- Behaviour change communication
- Malaria prevention in the community
- Supervision of community based volunteers
Two modules, LLIN scale-up and hang-up and malaria prevention in the community, provide materials specifically designed to improve our malaria prevention efforts. They offer guidance on best practices and priority setting.
The behaviour change communication and supervision of community based volunteers modules are broader in scope and will be useful for most Red Cross and Red Crescent activities.
This set of publications is the latest in the International Federation’s fight against malaria. For the first time, it puts together in one package training guides for facilitators, supervisors and volunteers, documentation and examples of good practice. It is aimed broadly at anyone in National Societies around the world who wants to ensure that the battle to prevent and control malaria has behind it a policy, a set of tactics and techniques and useful example documents that will be effective in, and modified for, their own culture and environment.
Last modified: July 23, 2021
Language: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish