Malaria Social and Behavior Change Communication Indicator Reference Guide: Second Edition

This guide aims to support Ministries of Health, donor agencies and implementing partners involved in malaria prevention and control to evaluate the effectiveness of malaria BCC interventions and to measure levels of behavior change for malaria prevention and case management at the country level. The indicators are also useful for monitoring and designing malaria BCC interventions. These indicators were developed and chosen by a working group composed of President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) partners with extensive experience in monitoring and evaluating BCC activities, including malaria BCC activities.

The guide is intended for use by communication and monitoring and evaluation officers at National Malaria Control Programs, as well as by representatives of donor agencies that fund malaria prevention and control, and by communication/BCC officers within implementing partner agencies. This document outlines the recommended indicators required for tracking (Core Indicators), as well as optional indicators (Supplemental and Experimental).

The document attached has both English and French versions.

Last modified: March 25, 2019

Language: English, French