Mobile 4 Reproductive Health -m4RH [Website]
Mobile for Reproductive Health (m4RH) is an opt-in SMS-based health communication program that provides information about nine family planning methods as well as a clinic database.This was conceptualized, developed, and deployed as part of a research study aimed at determining the feasibility of providing FP information via text message and to assess the reach of this communication channel. It was piloted and evaluated in Kenya and Tanzania from 2010-2011 in collaboration with several partners including the Ministries of Health in both countries.
This online tool includes both background information and practical tools to support your program. The toolkit is broken down into five components, including: 1) Planning & Design, 2) Content, 3)Technological Considerations, 4) Promotion, and 5) Evaluation.
Results from the pilot indicate that women, men, young people and couples use m4RH to learn about the range of FP methods. Users find m4RH easy to use and understand and report increased FP knowledge as well as some behavior change. Since the pilot was completed, FHI 360 has expanded m4RH, developing and testing new messages using the same strategic health communications approach applied in the pilot.
Last modified: March 25, 2019
Language: English