SBCC Check-In: Quality Standards for SBCC

This tool is designed to be quick, constructive and used consistently throughout an SBCC programming cycle. Each SBCC Check-In only takes about 30 to 60 minutes to complete.

The tool includes a set of quality standards based on a review process that identified common elements of the most effective SBCC programs. The standards are organized into three sections according to the general phases of programming: planning, implementation and evaluation. SBCC Check-In users choose a particular SBCC program or program component to assess and a section of the tool to use, depending on their stage in the program cycle. After scoring the program against each quality standard, users receive an overall section score with color-coded score interpretations, which can be used to help focus attention on critical areas for improvement in their program. Users are then guided through the creation of a simple quality improvement action plan.

Last modified: March 25, 2019

Language: Arabic, English