Southern Africa Human Resources in Health (HRH) Toolkit
The shortage of human resources in health in Africa remains severe and continues to be a major impediment to increasing coverage of HIV-related services, namely highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) and prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV.
This eToolkit focuses on issues concerning Human Resources in Health (HRH). It is estimated that Africa bears twenty-four percent of the world’s disease burden, but only has three percent of the world’s health workers – the shortage of health workers on the African continent is estimated to be 800,000. This eToolkit is meant to serve as a resource for those dealing with aspects of the HRH crisis, including individuals and organizations who wish to familiarize themselves with the various components of HRH.
The toolkit includes modules on the following topics: financial analysis, hiring, recruitment and retention, management, and country experiences.
Last modified: March 25, 2019
Language: English