Spot On Malaria: A Guide to Adapting, Developing and Producing Effective Radio Spots

This guide focuses on malaria prevention and treatment messages and ways to tailor them to reach communities often missed by national malaria programs. The guide offers training in how to use the airwaves more effectively to teach communities about malaria. This can include program managers at the district or sub-national level, health educators, district health officers, malarial focal persons as well as radio producers.

The guide also shows how to adapt or localize materials from a national malaria program and how to create original radio spots or advertisements to respond to local needs. It offers tools to help guide the user through the production process. The guide and accompanying Facilitator’s Manual offers a seven-step process for planning, adapting or creating, testing, and producing radio spots. It also offers tips on:

  • Securing adequate and appropriate airtime
  • Deciding whether to use free or paid airtime
  • Monitoring and evaluating radio spots

Last modified: August 5, 2021

Language: English