Three Lessons on Sparking Behavior Change through Interpersonal Communication

Between January and October 2019, SHOPS Plus India tested 22 variations of interpersonal communication activities among nearly 300,000 target group members to identify which were most effective, and which had the highest potential for scaling up through the project’s private and public sector partners.

The activities were designed creatively to engage potential consumers, help them discover the product benefits through interactive events, and encourage them to try the product by offering them some incentives such as free samples or redeemable coupons. Formative research conducted by the project identified key barriers and issues that prevent consumers from using short-acting methods of contraception, and stocking ORS and zinc at home for starting child diarrhea treatment without any delays. The project team designed the activities to address those barriers by engaging the target audience through fun and playful activities such as treasure hunt, quiz, street plays and virtual reality games among others.

The three lessons learned were:

  1. Spend wisely by giving consumers lots of time to interact and absorb key messages
  2. Scale more easily with smart location choices and technology-aided activities
  3. Create meaningful engagement by leveraging key influencers

Last modified: February 12, 2020

Language: English