The Way We Care: A Guide for Managers of Programs Serving Vulnerable Children and Youth

This manual aims to develop awareness, reinforce knowledge and assist organizations designing, implementing or managing programs for children and youth affected by poverty and HIV/AIDS or other infections.

It includes practical information, step-by-step guidance, recommended readings and toolkits and clear explanations of concepts derived from the latest research and the experience of FHI 360 with programs for at-risk children and youth worldwide.

The Way We Care aims to develop awareness and understanding, build capacity, and reinforce the knowledge of individuals and local organizations who must address the pressing needs and human rights of millions of vulnerable children. Because the manual covers the basic concepts of building resilience among vulnerable children, its information can be used by staff and local volunteers to help children enhance their coping skills, increase their access to locally available services, and improve their quality of life.

The manual also addresses critical values related to children’s rights and how to obtain input from children on issues that affect them. In short, it covers key principles in the design, implementation, monitoring, and quality improvement of care and support programs for vulnerable children.

Divided into four sections, it provides a broad introduction to all areas of practice that staff in this field should know. The first, the foundation section, includes cross-cutting concepts and a primer on child development. The planning section covers service-delivery issues, strategic planning, and basic project management. The implementation section has a special focus on community mobilization, monitoring and evaluation, care management, and quality improvement. The fourth and final section addresses sustainability: volunteer and staff recruitment, supervision,and prevention of burnout.

Last modified: July 23, 2021

Language: English