Within Our Reach: A TB Literacy Toolkit

With input from community health professionals from several countries, this toolkit was developed for health educators, outreach workers, counselors, and supervisors who provide services to suspected and confirmed TB patients. The tools are designed to educate TB and HIV patients, their caregivers, and their communities about TB and what it takes to complete a full course of TB treatment.

Other supporting objectives include:

  • Increasing knowledge about TB, the link between TB and HIV, TB treatment, and TB transmission
  • Raising awareness that TB is a serious but treatable disease
  • Giving patients confidence that they can complete TB treatment and be cured
  • Educating caregivers and families about how to support TB patients
  • Reducing stigma attached to TB and HIV

With input from community health professionals from several countries, this toolkit was developed for health educators, outreach workers, counselors, and supervisors who provide services to suspected and confirmed TB patients. The tools are designed to educate TB and HIV patients, their caregivers, and their communities about TB and what it takes to complete a full course of TB treatment.

Other supporting objectives include:

  • Increasing knowledge about TB, the link between TB and HIV, TB treatment, and TB transmission
  • Raising awareness that TB is a serious but treatable disease
  • Giving patients confidence that they can complete TB treatment and be cured
  • Educating caregivers and families about how to support TB patients
  • Reducing stigma attached to TB and HIV

Last modified: July 23, 2021

Language: English