How to Test Creative Concepts

Concept testing is the process of sharing creative concepts with the intended audience to get their feedback and identify the best idea before designing materials (See the How to Develop a Creative Concept guide). Results from creative concept testing help the creative team to revise concepts, drop ones that do not resonate well with the audience and identify the ones the audience likes best. Sometimes none of the concepts is appropriate for the audience. In these cases, the creative team returns to brainstorming, keeping in mind lessons learned from the concept tests.

How to Use a Theory of Change to Monitor and Evaluate Social and Behavior Change Programs

Behavior change theory is used to explain people’s behaviors and the determinants that make it easier or harder to change those behaviors. Behavior change theory should be incorporated into the SBC program theory of change to illustrate how or why a desired change is expected to occur (i.e., the change pathways) and therefore provide guidance on how to measure behavioral determinants that influence program goals and objectives.