Not Just Hotlines and Mobile Phones: GBV Service Provision during COVID-19

This note sets out a number of alternative entry points for providing survivors with non-phone, low/ no tech options to alert trustworthy stakeholders of their need for GBV services given the restrictions on movement as a result of COVID-19. It also provides ideas for linking such ‘alert systems’ with remote GBV support providers.

Consideration is also given to other ways mobile phones can be used to support survivors – who do own, or have access to mobile phones, but cannot use them to dial, chat or text for support because of abuser surveillance. ‘No-dial or chat’ phone options that can operate even when offline are outlined here as a resource for those contexts where it is applicable and appropriate. The note will also provide suggestions of where GBV support services can be safely integrated, beyond traditional integration points such as healthcare settings.

Last modified: April 5, 2022

Language: English