Approaching Provider Behavior Change Monitoring and Evaluation With a Social-Ecological Lens Brief

The Approaching Provider Behavior Change Monitoring and Evaluation With a Social-Ecological Lens brief builds on Breakthrough ACTON’s suite of provider behavior change (PBC) tools, which support the application of a social-ecological lens to design and implementation of PBC interventions. This suite of tools consists of the Provider Behavior Ecosystem Map and the Provider Behavior Change Toolkit. PBC interventions that are designed and implemented using a social-ecological lens must be monitored and evaluated through the same lens.

This brief explores the new frontiers of applying a social-ecological lens to the monitoring and evaluation of PBC interventions. It uses the organizing structure of the Provider Behavior Ecosystem Map to discuss insights, findings, and recommendations. There is also a list of illustrative indicators for consideration and use.

The primary audience for this brief is program planners and implementers working at the intersection of health systems strengthening, service delivery, and social and behavior change or otherwise working to understand and improve provider behavior through PBC interventions.

Although this brief and set of tools focuses on family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) service delivery and use related examples, they can be applied more broadly to other health areas. This broader application is important given how commonly FP/RH providers offer services across health areas, especially in integrated service delivery.

A short instructional video in English and French was developed to provide an overview of the brief.

Last modified: June 10, 2024

Language: English, French

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Year of Publication: 2024