Provider Behavior Change Toolkit for Family Planning

The Provider Behavior Change Toolkit for Family Planning builds on the Provider Behavior Ecosystem to inspire practical solutions in these areas.

The toolkit helps users:

  1. Identify, understand, and prioritize factors influencing provider behavior.
  2. Design and implement locally appropriate, supportive provider-related initiatives that address root causes of behavior.

The toolkit guides users through an empathy-focused, four-step process that supports providers, clients, and district health teams in identifying and prioritizing the root causes of provider behavior and generating local solutions. To deliver a holistic view of provider behavior, the toolkit employs a systems lens. The toolkit also uses a multi-level approach to gather perspectives and input on provider behavior from a variety of stakeholders. It positions providers as part of the inquiry and solution development process rather than as part of the problem.

What is included in the Provider Behavior Change Toolkit?

  • Diagnostic tools to help users identify and prioritize provider-related barriers and facilitators to the delivery of quality health services in multiple contexts.
  • Synthesis tools that help users summarize information from the diagnostic process and prioritize challenges to be addressed by programmatic activities.
  • Programmatic tools that help users design and implement more effective provider-related initiatives.
  • An instruction booklet that guides users through the process of implementing the toolkit.

A companion instructional video is also available in English and French.

Last modified: June 10, 2024

Language: English, French

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Year of Publication: 2022