IAS Conference E-posters
Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria presented two e-posters at the just concluded 23rd International AIDS Conference.
The two posters titled “Reinforcing COVID-19 Risk Communication and Community Engagement Response in Nigeria Through the Use of Mobile Curriculum“ and “COVID-19 Response Through 3-2-1 Digital Mobile Technology In Nigeria“ respectively were virtually presented on the poster virtual exhibition July 10th and 11th 2020. and is currently on the COVID-19 IAS Conference.
These posters are based on the Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria support to the NCDC’s Risk communications and community engagement (RCCE) activities on the coronavirus pandemic through the United States Agency for International Agency (USAID) funding. .

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
Date of Publication: August 5, 2020
- A Guide to WHO’s Guidance on COVID-19
- Practical Guidance for Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) for Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), Migrants, and Host Communities Particularly Vulnerable to COVID-19 Pandemic
- COVID-19: Resources to Address Gender-based Violence Risks
- Actions to Support Media, Enhance Access to Information, and Leverage Digital Technologies in the Fight Against the Pandemic
- Building Trust while Influencing Online COVID-19 Content in the Social Media World
- Religious Leaders Play Key Role in Battle against COVID-19
- Coronavirus Pandemic: Tracking the Global Outbreak
- Guidance for Including People with Disabilities in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Lessons Learned from an Integrated Approach for Reaching First-time Young Parents in Nigeria
- Compassion in a Time of COVID-19
- Addressing Reproductive, Maternal, and Child Health and Family Planning Needs of Young, First-Time Parents in the Eastern Region of Burkina Faso
- Improving Family Planning Outcomes for First-Time Parents in the Greater Mahale Ecosystem of Tanzania (Brief)
- Malaria-themed Radio Magazine Program
- Atelier d’évaluation et de ré-planification du plan d’action opérationnel intégré de la communication de risque 2020
- Family Planning IPC Guide