Child Survival Action: A Blueprint for Advocacy and Action

The Blueprint for Advocacy and Action on Child Survival complements the CSA vision document and sets out a coordinated approach to advocacy that sees CSA permeate the highest levels of influence, decision-making, and accountability- both at the national level and globally.

It is intended to catalyze new momentum and a renewed movement, finishing the work that we started under the Millennium Development Goals to end preventable child deaths.

This blueprint can be used to guide and coordinate country, regional, and global advocacy efforts to elevate child survival as a priority policy concern, mobilize domestic and global investment, and foster accountability. The CSA Blueprint’s three guiding principles include: 

1.   All in it together for the whole child; 

2.  Country-led, evidence-based prioritization and linkage with regional platforms; 

3.  Integration of community structures and actors.

Last modified: March 6, 2023

Language: English

Source: Child Health Task Force

Year of Publication: 2023