The Malaria Safe PLAYBOOK: A Resource Guide in the Fight against Malaria
The United Against Malaria partnership has assembled this collection of resources and best practices from key players in the field to encourage even more organizations to tackle malaria as a critical development issue.
“Malaria Safe” refers to actions that lead to a future free of malaria, such as mosquito net distributions and education workshops for employees and company health workers. Building off of what has worked to date, the Playbook offers communication tools, reference guides, and contacts for decision-makers in the public and private sector. These materials may be found online, along with this accompanying report, at
The United Against Malaria partnership is building support for the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals, which aim to eliminate malaria-related deaths by 2015. The partnership comprises football clubs, corporations, government groups, non-governmental organizations, and sports and entertainment celebrities— each with unique resources to contribute.
Malaria Safe practices such as educating employees and customers, encouraging regular mosquito net use, and promoting rapid diagnosis and treatment will lead to a malaria-free future. By joining other major national and multinational companies in becoming malaria safe, private sector leaders can help eliminate malaria and envision better health and economic development.
Last modified: March 25, 2019
Language: English