Private Sector Counts

Private Sector Counts uses Demographic and Health Survey data to illuminate the important contribution of the public and private sectors to sick child care and family planning service delivery. It is an initiative of Sustaining Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS), a USAID-funded project.

The tool is called “Private Sector Counts” to remind donors and program implementers that the private sector, in addition to the public sector, has a key role to play in providing family planning and sick child care. With easy-to-access data on where clients access family planning products and sick child care, implementers can use a total market approach to design programs that increase access to quality services throughout the health system.

The tool provides information on sources for family planning services and sick child care, which is critical for successful program implementation. The tool emphasizes that both the public and private sectors are important sources for family planning and sick child care. Use of public and private sources vary considerably by country and demographic characteristics, such as socioeconomic status, maternal education, and urban/rural residence.

Last modified: March 25, 2019

Language: English