School Health and Nutrition Microlearnings Toolkit

The School Health and Nutrition Microlearning Toolkit distills findings from the report, Operationalizing Health & Education Coordination: Recommendations Surfaced through Interviews with Africa Bureau Missions, and complements the learnings with multimedia resources on key school health and nutrition interventions, including on malaria interventions in schools and mental health support.

This package of multimedia microlearning products is designed for broad use by health and education policymakers, practitioners, USAID Country Mission staff, implementing partners, and donors to strengthen cross-sectoral collaboration and co-investment to improve students’ well-being and learning worldwide. The toolkit is co-financed by USAID Africa Bureau’s Health and Education offices and implemented by the Child Health Task Force Secretariat.

Last modified: July 22, 2023

Language: English

Source: Child Health Task Force Secretariat

Year of Publication: 2023