A Tool for Strengthening Gender-Sensitive National HIV and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) M&E Systems

This document is a tool to assist countries in strengthening systems for national monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of HIV and sexual and reproductive health with the aims of improving evidence on how gender inequality affects HIV and SRH outcomes and programmatic responses, and measuring and monitoring gender-based inequities in HIV and SRH outcomes.

This tool is intended to be used, first and foremost, by monitoring and evaluation and/or health information management officers involved with national HIV or SRH M&E systems, as well as in SRH or HIV programs at the sub-national level (for example, at the district level, individual projects, community-based programs, nongovernmental organization (NGO) programmes and interventions).

The tool is structured into four modules:

  • Module 1 adapts the public health questions approach to M&E to provide users with a logical framework for monitoring and evaluating the impact of gender inequality on HIV and SRH outcomes and program responses.
  • Module 2 guides users in selecting indicators that help answer questions about gender inequality and HIV or SRH.
  • Module 3 helps users to conduct gender analysis and interpret data gathered using gendersensitive indicators.
  • Module 4 provides practical suggestions to assess and integrate gender sensitivity into the components of a national M&E system. In order to ask the right questions, select appropriate indicators, and analyse and interpret data. M&E systems themselves must be gender-sensitive.

Last modified: March 25, 2019

Language: English