A Toolkit for Mass Distribution Campaigns to Increase Coverage and Use of Long-Lasting Insecticide-Treated Nets
This toolkit brings together country and partner experiences to provide an overview of various strategies employed in mass LLIN scale-up, as well as lessons learned.
This is the second edition of the AMP toolkit. The first edition focused primarily on integrated and targeted LLIN distribution campaigns, reflecting the policy of ensuring coverage of children under five years of age, via measles vaccination and child health days, for example. This second edition, in line with current international and country policies around malaria prevention and control, provides more examples and lessons learned from universal coverage distributions aimed to ensure that the entire population at risk of malaria is protected.
The toolkit provides a step-by-step guideline for the planning and implementation of mass LLIN distributions, whether targeted to specific population groups or for universal coverage. It includes information on coordination, planning and budgeting, procurement, logistics, communication, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, reporting results and sustaining gains.
Last modified: July 23, 2021