CORE Group: Resource Library

CORE Group’s research library is a searchable list of state-of-the-art tools, curriculums and technical resources covering multiple focus areas including Social and Behavior Change (SBC), FP, social accountability, general health and nutrition. The library was produced with multiple partner and member organizations.


Family Planning & Reproductive Health, General Health (non FP/RH)

Project Stages

Cross-cutting, Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation, Project Design

Circle of Care Model

The Circle of Care Model is a framework for understanding how SBC interventions, particularly strategic communication, can be used along the service delivery continuum before, during and after services. At each stage, three explicit areas are identified where SBC can be used to influence attitudes and behaviors among clients and providers. The end result is more effective service delivery programs that meet the needs of the intended audiences and contribute to improved health outcomes.


Family Planning & Reproductive Health, General Health (non FP/RH)


Frameworks & Models, SBC Tools & Resources

Care Groups: Resource Guides and Tools

This Care Group repository contains information, presentations, tools, curricula, and results reports regarding Care Group programs. The guides review how care groups are formed, how care groups are used to reduce child deaths and results from using various Care Group models.


Agriculture, Food Security & Nutrition, Family Planning & Reproductive Health, General Health (non FP/RH)

Project Stages

Implementation, Project Design

Accelerating Behavior Change in Nutrition-sensitive Agriculture (SPRING)

This online training is a one to two-day course for people who design and implement agriculture projects, including those focused on food security, livelihoods, value chains, and/or broader agricultural market development. Completing the course will provide knowledge and skills to help agriculture projects become more nutrition-sensitive by leveraging agriculture’s potential to contribute to specified nutrition outcomes or results.


Agriculture, Food Security & Nutrition, General Health (non FP/RH)

