Mission Brief on Integrated SBCC

This Brief is intended for USAID Mission and Washington technical and management staff who are considering designing integrated social and behavior change communication (SBCC) projects, or who would like to better understand and manage existing projects. The brief defines key concepts, outlines the advantages and challenges of integrated SBCC programming and highlights important considerations for USAID staff throughout the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the project.


General Health (non FP/RH)


Evidence, SBC Tools & Resources

List of Integrated Development Tools

A list of publications and tools demonstrating the value and best practices of integrated design, delivery and evaluation of programs.


Agriculture, Food Security & Nutrition, Conservation, Democracy, Rights & Governance, General Health (non FP/RH)


Evidence, Frameworks & Models, SBC Tools & Resources

Integrating Family Planning into Other Development Sectors

The FHI 360 PROGRESS project (2008-13) added to the evidence base on multi-sector integration, providing guidance on how development organizations can successfully expand their program model to include family planning services. Working closely with partners, PROGRESS developed, implemented, and evaluated three interventions. This report synthesizes lessons learned for use in replication and scale up.


Agriculture, Food Security & Nutrition, Conservation, Family Planning & Reproductive Health

Project Stages

Monitoring & Evaluation, Project Design


Evidence, SBC Tools & Resources

Integrating Family Planning into Development Food Security Activities: Formative Research with the Njira Project in Malawi (FANTA)

This study investigated the demand and supply side barriers to accessing family planning that women with young children, adolescent girls and young women face. Employing a user-centered design, the research explored how the Njira project can create acceptable and feasible linkages—tailored to the needs of these priority target groups—from its project platforms to government family planning services. The study also explored community perspectives on connections between population growth, family planning, health, and food security to leverage the project’s health and non-health platforms in promoting social acceptability of family planning use.


Agriculture, Food Security & Nutrition, Family Planning & Reproductive Health



Family Planning SBC Evidence Database

The Social and Behavior Change/Family Planning (SBC/FP) Evidence Database is a unique resource that compiles and highlights key SBC successes. This database presents a collection of 249 articles describing interventions or studies that address family planning challenges through SBC approaches.


Family Planning & Reproductive Health



Family Planning and Resilience: Associations found in a Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) Project in Western Tanzania

This study supports the importance of including Family Planning/ Maternal and Child Health (FP/MCH) as part of integrated projects to enhance resilience. The paper identifies components of resilience that could be measured in Population, Health and Environment (PHE) and other integrated development projects, and uses data from a PHE project in western Tanzania to measure resilience and better understand the links between resilience and family planning. The research aims to establish which factors contribute to resilience in the project area, with the ultimate goal of understanding how to build potential resilience among people in ecologically rich regions who rely on natural resources for their livelihoods.


Population, Health & Environment



Evidence of Effective Approaches to Social and Behavior Change Communication for Preventing and Reducing Stunting and Anemia: Findings from a Systematic Literature Review (SPRING)

SPRING conducted a systematic review of peer-reviewed evidence regarding the effectiveness of Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) approaches to increase the uptake of three key nutrition behaviors: women’s dietary practices during pregnancy and lactation; breastfeeding practices; and complementary feeding practices. This review also identifies gaps in the evidence and provides recommendations for further areas of study. The SBCC interventions included in the review can be broadly categorized into three areas: interpersonal communication, use of media, and community/social mobilization.


Agriculture, Food Security & Nutrition, General Health (non FP/RH)



Biodiversity Results and Integrated Development Gains Enhanced Project (BRIDGE) Tools and approaches

BRIDGE is a five-year project (2015-2020) managed by USAID’s E3 Forestry and Biodiversity Office. The project advances the second goal of USAID’s Biodiversity Policy, to “integrate biodiversity as an essential component of human development.” BRIDGE collaborates with USAID missions and regional and technical bureaus to identify and promote integrated programming approaches and contribute to the evidence base for integration. The USAID BRIDGE project builds on lessons learned from decades of USAID initiatives to promote and support the integration of biodiversity conservation with other development sectors including climate change, DRG, food security, and health.


Population, Health & Environment

Project Stages



Evidence, SBC Tools & Resources

Biodiversity Conservation Gateway Resources

The portal provides an open access communications bridge between organizations, communities, consortia, and global partners working on an integrated approach to natural resource management linking nature, energy, and human health. The portal is designed to foster the evolution of a diverse community willing to share their expertise, social and professional networks and work together across time and physical boundaries on the ground as well as inside virtual teams.



