USAID Office of Food for Peace 2016 – 2025 Food Assistance and Food Security Strategy

The USAID’s Office of Food for Peace strategy builds on the FFP 2006–2010 strategic plan, draws on lessons learned during its implementation, and embraces new approaches and tools that have emerged in recent years to increase the impact of U.S. Government food assistance as a critical tool in global efforts to end hunger and poverty. The Strategy presents a revised conceptual framework for food and nutrition security and examines food security’s linkages to other sectors, including family planning, agriculture and governance.


Agriculture, Food Security & Nutrition, Democracy, Rights & Governance, Family Planning & Reproductive Health

Project Stages

Project Design


Frameworks & Models

List of Integrated Development Tools

A list of publications and tools demonstrating the value and best practices of integrated design, delivery and evaluation of programs.


Agriculture, Food Security & Nutrition, Conservation, Democracy, Rights & Governance, General Health (non FP/RH)


Evidence, Frameworks & Models, SBC Tools & Resources

Inclusive Social Accountability (ISA) Framework

Counterpart International’s Inclusive Social Accountability (ISA) developmental framework integrates elements of social inclusion and community accountability into one comprehensive approach. It is designed to be mutually supportive at every level — educating and allowing informed citizens to effectively hold their governments accountable, while simultaneously building the capacity of governments (and where necessary, their private sector partners) to deliver quality social services that are equitably distributed. The framework includes the building blocks of the ISA approach along with a number of methodologies that can facilitate its implementation.


Democracy, Rights & Governance

Project Stages

Cross-cutting, Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation, Project Design


Frameworks & Models

Improving Development Outcomes Through Social and Behavior Change Communication Applying a Government Lens

This analytical study SBCC identifies and examines best practices in SBCC efforts by African governments. The study seeks to contribute to USAID Africa Bureau objectives to expand its analytic capacity, incorporate these principles into activity design and ultimate impact, and enhance its ability to better understand how African governments are using SBCC campaigns to improve the well-being of African citizens. Understanding SBCC best practices and their potential for improving state-society relations contributes to establishing a framework for future USAID Africa project design, which can further contribute to the development of compelling theories of change.


Democracy, Rights & Governance

Project Stages

Project Design


Frameworks & Models, SBC Tools & Resources

Circle of Care Model

The Circle of Care Model is a framework for understanding how SBC interventions, particularly strategic communication, can be used along the service delivery continuum before, during and after services. At each stage, three explicit areas are identified where SBC can be used to influence attitudes and behaviors among clients and providers. The end result is more effective service delivery programs that meet the needs of the intended audiences and contribute to improved health outcomes.


Family Planning & Reproductive Health, General Health (non FP/RH)


Frameworks & Models, SBC Tools & Resources