Integrating Family Planning into Other Development Sectors

The FHI 360 PROGRESS project (2008-13) added to the evidence base on multi-sector integration, providing guidance on how development organizations can successfully expand their program model to include family planning services. Working closely with partners, PROGRESS developed, implemented, and evaluated three interventions. This report synthesizes lessons learned for use in replication and scale up.


Agriculture, Food Security & Nutrition, Conservation, Family Planning & Reproductive Health

Project Stages

Monitoring & Evaluation, Project Design


Evidence, SBC Tools & Resources

Healthy People, Healthy Ecosystems: A Manual on Integrating Health and Family Planning into Conservation Projects

This manual provides guidance for field-based conservation practitioners in developing countries on integrating health and family planning into community conservation projects. It is designed for those who are starting work in a new area as well as those who might be adding on a health or population component to an existing conservation project. In addition, some sections are likely to be of interest to health partners, development organizations and donors.


Conservation, Family Planning & Reproductive Health, General Health (non FP/RH), Population, Health & Environment


SBC Tools & Resources

Designing for Behavior Change For Agriculture, Natural Resource Management, Health and Nutrition

This field-tested, six-day training curriculum responds to community development managers’, program planners’ and behavior change officers’ need for a practical behavioral framework that helps them with developing effective behavior change strategies in the fields of agriculture, Natural Resource Management(NRM), health, and nutrition.


Agriculture, Food Security & Nutrition, Conservation, General Health (non FP/RH)

Project Stages

Monitoring & Evaluation, Project Design

Biodiversity Conservation Gateway Resources

The portal provides an open access communications bridge between organizations, communities, consortia, and global partners working on an integrated approach to natural resource management linking nature, energy, and human health. The portal is designed to foster the evolution of a diverse community willing to share their expertise, social and professional networks and work together across time and physical boundaries on the ground as well as inside virtual teams.





ATLAS (Adaptation Thought Leadership and Assessments): List of Tools

Adaptation Thought Leadership and Assessments (ATLAS) tools can provide USAID Missions and partner governments support in assessing climate change vulnerability and improving climate-related decision making. Through new methodologies and tools for assessing climate risks, ATLAS helps evaluate adaptation options and synthesize best practices. A key emphasis of ATLAS is the uptake and use of information, helping to translate assessments into adaptation investment decisions and concrete actions at the country, sector, and program levels.

