List of How-to-Guides

SBC How-to Guides are short guides that provide step-by-step instructions on how to perform core social and behavior change tasks. From formative research through monitoring and evaluation, these guides cover each step of the SBC process, offer useful hints, and include important resources and references.

Project Stages

Cross-cutting, Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation, Project Design


SBC Tools & Resources

Integrating Family Planning into Other Development Sectors

The FHI 360 PROGRESS project (2008-13) added to the evidence base on multi-sector integration, providing guidance on how development organizations can successfully expand their program model to include family planning services. Working closely with partners, PROGRESS developed, implemented, and evaluated three interventions. This report synthesizes lessons learned for use in replication and scale up.


Agriculture, Food Security & Nutrition, Conservation, Family Planning & Reproductive Health

Project Stages

Monitoring & Evaluation, Project Design


Evidence, SBC Tools & Resources

Improving Development Outcomes Through Social and Behavior Change Communication Applying a Government Lens

This analytical study SBCC identifies and examines best practices in SBCC efforts by African governments. The study seeks to contribute to USAID Africa Bureau objectives to expand its analytic capacity, incorporate these principles into activity design and ultimate impact, and enhance its ability to better understand how African governments are using SBCC campaigns to improve the well-being of African citizens. Understanding SBCC best practices and their potential for improving state-society relations contributes to establishing a framework for future USAID Africa project design, which can further contribute to the development of compelling theories of change.


Democracy, Rights & Governance

Project Stages

Project Design


Frameworks & Models, SBC Tools & Resources

Healthy People, Healthy Ecosystems: A Manual on Integrating Health and Family Planning into Conservation Projects

This manual provides guidance for field-based conservation practitioners in developing countries on integrating health and family planning into community conservation projects. It is designed for those who are starting work in a new area as well as those who might be adding on a health or population component to an existing conservation project. In addition, some sections are likely to be of interest to health partners, development organizations and donors.


Conservation, Family Planning & Reproductive Health, General Health (non FP/RH), Population, Health & Environment


SBC Tools & Resources

Global Health Learning Center: SBC for Nutrition Course

Interventions to foster changes in behaviors and social norms are an important aspect of efforts to reduce malnutrition around the world. This course aims to demystify Social and Behavior Change (SBC) design as well as share useful SBC-related resources. The course assists practitioners in understanding some SBC models that explain why people behave in certain ways, how behaviors change, and how SBC strategies apply these models in designing behavior-centered programs.


Agriculture, Food Security & Nutrition


SBC Tools & Resources

Everybody Wants to Belong: A Practical Guide to Tackling and Leveraging Social Norms in Behaviour Change Programming

The guide explains social norms frameworks and approaches, and also reviews formative research, planning, budgeting and other project cycle phases for social norms Social and Behavior Change (SBC) work.


SBC Tools & Resources

Desk Review of Programs Integrating Family Planning with Food Security and Nutrition (FANTA)

This report synthesizes learnings from 102 health and multisectoral programs, including a rich set of program examples and three case studies, to illustrate the various ways programs are integrating family planning with nutrition and food security interventions. Lessons learned, promising practices for programming, and recommendations for USAID are also provided in the report and brief.


Agriculture, Food Security & Nutrition, Family Planning & Reproductive Health


SBC Tools & Resources

Circle of Care Model

The Circle of Care Model is a framework for understanding how SBC interventions, particularly strategic communication, can be used along the service delivery continuum before, during and after services. At each stage, three explicit areas are identified where SBC can be used to influence attitudes and behaviors among clients and providers. The end result is more effective service delivery programs that meet the needs of the intended audiences and contribute to improved health outcomes.


Family Planning & Reproductive Health, General Health (non FP/RH)


Frameworks & Models, SBC Tools & Resources

Biodiversity Results and Integrated Development Gains Enhanced Project (BRIDGE) Tools and approaches

BRIDGE is a five-year project (2015-2020) managed by USAID’s E3 Forestry and Biodiversity Office. The project advances the second goal of USAID’s Biodiversity Policy, to “integrate biodiversity as an essential component of human development.” BRIDGE collaborates with USAID missions and regional and technical bureaus to identify and promote integrated programming approaches and contribute to the evidence base for integration. The USAID BRIDGE project builds on lessons learned from decades of USAID initiatives to promote and support the integration of biodiversity conservation with other development sectors including climate change, DRG, food security, and health.


Population, Health & Environment

Project Stages



Evidence, SBC Tools & Resources