Country Focus: Côte d’Ivoire
Breakthrough ACTION Côte d’Ivoire
Breakthrough ACTION Côte d’Ivoire is a five year program (2017-2022) designed to improve adoption of beneficial health practices as normative behaviors. This result will contribute to the broader goal of improved health and development outcomes in programmatic focus areas.
The project will work at all levels—national, regional, district and community—with the Government of Côte d’Ivoire (GOCI) to strengthen health care systems for disease prevention, detection, response, and treatment. It will also support the Government of Cote d’Ivoire in improving the delivery of selected health care services for targeted populations.
Breakthrough ACTION Côte d’Ivoire’s COVID-19 project materials can be found here.
Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3)
HC3’s work in Côte d’Ivoire built on the activities begun under the Prévention Active et Communication Transformatrice / Active Prevention and Transformative Communication (PACT) project, which was implemented by Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP).
HC3 strengthened the capacity of local stakeholders to implement SBCC programs that support HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment services. In particular, HC3 enhanced the effectiveness of SBCC in promoting HIV service uptake, ART adherence, community-based care/support efforts, healthy social norms and couple communication.
Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
Date of Publication: October 19, 2020
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