Promoting Quality Malaria Medicines Through SBCC: An Implementation Kit

Substandard, spurious, falsified, falsely-labeled and counterfeit – or SSFFC – malaria medicines cause undue harm because they cannot effectively treat malaria. SSFFC malaria medicines can also negatively influence consumer behavior, threaten national healthcare systems and contribute to artemisinin resistance.

This Implementation Kit (I-Kit) provides national and local stakeholders, as well as program managers, with key considerations and a roadmap for designing and implementing a country-specific social and behavior change communication (SBCC) campaign that protects the public from poor quality malaria medicines and responds to the threat of SSFFC medicines in their country.

This I-Kit includes key information health practitioners need to combat issues of poor quality or diverted malaria medicines in their area, and resources to better understand their prevalence and the impact of SSFFC antimalarials. It includes suggestions for identifying partnerships and selecting appropriate audiences and theories to strengthen SBCC strategies. This Promoting Quality Malaria Medicines through SBCC I-Kit can be reviewed using its online version here, or can be downloaded as PDFs.

The I-Kiit is organized as follows:

  • Background, Justification and Global Activities: Provides the necessary background and information to use the I-Kit, as well as information on global and country examples to combat SSFFC malaria medicines and promote positive medicine use behaviors.
  • Promoting Quality Medicines: Describes five essential elements for designing and implementing a campaign to promote the use of good quality malaria medicines.
  • Working with the Media: Provides guidance, tools and resources for engaging with the media to combat SSFFC malaria medicines.
  • Global SSFFC Malaria Medicine Resources: Provides resources and tools for understanding the malaria medicine situation, as well as developing and advocating for strategies to address medicine quality issues. Provides descriptions and links to resources and tools for protecting and advocating for malaria medicine quality.

Last modified: April 13, 2020

Language: English