COVID-19 Video Spots, Indonesia
These television spots are intended for the general public, and explain various aspects about dealing with COVID-19.
- Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun/Handwashing – A 60 second version and a 30-second version of a TV PSA on the importance of handwashing with soap and steps in doing handwashing in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19
- Masker/Mask – A 60 second version and a 30-second version of a TV PSA on the importance of wearing mask as one of the key behaviors to prevent the spread of COVID-19
- Jaga Jarak/Physical distancing – A 60 second version and a 30 second version of a TV PSA targeting the general public on physical distancing as one of the key behaviors in COVID-19 prevention
- Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru – Puskesmas – A TV PSA targeting the general public on new health protocols related with COVID-19 in Puskesmas (community health facility)
- Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru – Peran warga desa – A TV PSA targeting the general public on community’s involvement in COVID-19 prevention
- 3 perilaku kunci/3 key behaviors – A TV PSA targeted the general public on the 3 key behaviors (handwashing with soap, mask, and physical distancing) for COVID-19 prevention
- Berubah Usir Wabah – A TV PSA about the importance of behavior change especially the three key behaviors (handwashing with soap, mask wearing, and physical distancing) to reduce the spread of COVID-19
This campaign includes radio spots, video spots, infographics, and a Question and Answer booklet.
Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
Date of Publication: December 22, 2020
- COVID-19 Communication Materials for the Americas
- Coronavirus — COVID-19 Factsheet
- Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Masks
- Social Media Rumour Bulletin
- How COVID-19 Spreads
- Noora Health COVID-19 Resources
- Physical Distancing, Face Masks, and Eye Protection for Prevention of COVID-19
- Scientific Brief: Community Use of Cloth Masks to Control the Spread of SARS-CoV-2
- Technical Brief: Handwashing with Soap: A Key Part of the COVID-19 Response
- Technical Brief: Virtual Pretesting during COVID-19