Guide d’informations et des messages clés “Une Seule Santé” sur les maladies zoonotiques prioritaires au Mali
This key message guide on zoonotic diseases stresses the benefits of the multisectoral and multidisciplinary One Health approach, which allows for the establishment of national coordination, communication, and collaboration mechanisms to combat health threats at the human-animal-environment interface—including known and emerging zoonotic diseases.
Communication is a critical component of zoonotic disease control both in the preparation phase of an epizootic or epidemic and in the response and recovery phase. The key to this communication is the development of standardized key messages not only to facilitate collaboration among stakeholders but also, and more importantly, to increase the level of knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and community involvement in zoonotic disease control.
Source: Source
Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs
Date of Publication: March 31, 2022