One Health Risk Communication Training for Chiefdom-Level One Health Structures

This training manual overviews a three-day, interactive training in One Health risk communication and community engagement. This training package was designed for chiefdom-level One Health representatives and stakeholders within the health, animal, or environment sector, as well as key chiefdom-level authorities and influencers. Much of the training content is specific to Sierra Leone but could be easily adaptable to other contexts. The training emphasizes adult learning methods that require participation through small and large group discussion, brainstorming and reflection, role-play, and practice.

The objectives of this training are:

  • Objective 1: Gain an understanding of the One Health concept, as well as the core One Health institutions.
  • Objective 2: Review Sierra Leone’s priority zoonotic diseases and their relationship to public health emergency preparedness and response.
  • Objective 3: Review available risk communication tools and protocols in country to promote awareness, engage communities, and support a public health emergency response.
  • Objective 4: Learn and practice skills to apply the principles of effective risk communication in communicating with the public.
  • Objective 5: Improve confidence and ability to effectively respond to the public’s needs and concerns regarding PZDs and public health emergencies to minimize conflicting information, rumors, and misinformation.
  • Objective 6: Gain experience in conducting the community-led action (CLA) method.

The training package is designed to be “field-friendly”. No slides are required. Instead, this training is broken into the following documents:

Last modified: November 20, 2023

Language: English

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Year of Publication: 2023