Toolkit for Transition of Care and Other Services for Adolescents Living with HIV

It is recommended that, for children known to be living with HIV, the transition process from pediatric to adult care should begin in preadolescence with a transition plan developed and reviewed—at minimum—annually. Included in this Toolkit is information and tools that community care provicers (CCPs) and health care providers (HCPs) can use to develop a minimum package of services for their clients that includes psychosocial support; mental health; sexual and reproductive health (SRH); protection; alcohol and substance use; beneficial disclosure; loss, grief, and bereavement; positive living; clinical considerations; and linking health facilities and community programs.

This toolkit allows the adolescent and the family/caregiver to participate and guide the transition process based upon the adolescent’s readiness. In addition, it allows the HCP/CCP to support the adolescent during the transition process to maximize resiliency, minimize risk factors, and promote positive personal growth.

The toolkit includes guidelines and checklists for counselors in talking to the adolescent about sexual behavior, reproductive health, and related issues.

Last modified: March 25, 2019

Language: English