Social and Behavior Change for Nutrition – Online Course

Interventions to foster changes in behaviors and social norms are an important aspect of efforts to reduce malnutrition around the world. This course aims to demystify SBC design as well as share useful SBC-related resources.

The course assists practioners in understanding some SBC models that explain why people behave in certain ways, how behaviors change, and how SBC strategies apply these models in designing behavior-centered programs

Last modified: November 24, 2019

Language: Arabic, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish




    Family Planning High Impact Practices

    High Impact Practices (HIPs) are a set of evidence-based family planning practices vetted by experts against specific criteria and documented in an easy-to-use format. HIPs help programs focus resources for greatest impact.

    HIPs are identified based on demonstrated magnitude of impacton contraceptive use and potential application in a wide range of settings. Consideration is also given to other relevant outcome measures including unintended pregnancy, fertility, or one of the primary proximate determinants of fertility (delay of marriage, birth spacing, or breast feeding). Evidence of replicability, scalability, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness are also examined.

    Last modified: August 30, 2019

    Language: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish

    List of High Impact Practices in Family Planning

    High Impact Practices (HIPs) are a set of evidence-based family planning practices vetted by experts against specific criteria and documented in an easy-to-use format.

    Endorsed by more than 30 organizations, HIPs reflect consensus around our current understanding of what works in family planning. HIPs are identified based on demonstrated magnitude of impact on contraceptive use and potential application in a wide range of settings. Consideration is also given to other relevant outcome measures including unintended pregnancy, fertility, or one of the primary proximate determinants of fertility (delay of marriage, birth spacing, or breast feeding). Evidence of replicability, scalability, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness are also considered.

    This seminal brief provides a list of all the HIPs identified by the Technical Advisory Group (TAG). The Technical Advisory Group (TAG) is made up of experts in family planning research, program implementation, policy makers and representatives from donor agencies. The TAG meets twice a year to review evidence and make recommendations on updating and implementing HIPs.

    Last modified: August 30, 2019

    Language: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish




      Strategic Planning Guides

      These Strategic Planning Guides are intended to lead program managers, planners, and decision-makers through a strategic process to identify the most effective and efficient investments to address the challenge or focus of their program.

      Guides are developed by technical experts and are intended to help planners identify which HIP or practice might work in a specific context.

      Planning guides are availalbe on the topics of adolescents and engaging men and boys in family planning.

      Last modified: August 30, 2019

      Language: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish




        Zika App

        This mobile phone application is available for both iPhone and Android phones. It offers general information about the virus, suspected complications, and treatment options.

        The app is intended for use by the general public as well as by health care workers. For health care workers, there is technical guidance, training, WHO situation reports, and an emergency response plan. For the general public, the app offers key facts, symptoms, and the latest news.

        Last modified: March 25, 2019

        Language: English, Portuguese, Spanish




          Zika Infographics

          This set of infographics contain basic information about the Zika Virus:

          • What is Zika
          • What symptoms can it cause?
          • How soon do the symptoms begin?
          • How many people get symptoms?
          • How is it prevented?
          • Is there treatment?

          Last modified: March 25, 2019

          Language: English, Portuguese

          Zika Virus Facts

          This page contains basic information about Zika and covers the following topics:

          • Zika virus and pregnancy
          • Signs of Zika virus
          • Is it Zika virus, dengue, chikungunya, or malaria?
          • Treatment
          • Prevent mosquito bites
          • Prevent mosquitos from breeding
          • Communities can prevent mosquito illnesses

          The information is available in:

          Last modified: March 25, 2019

          Language: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish




            The Strategic Framework for Malaria Social and Behaviour Change Communication 2018-2030

            In 2012, the Strategic Framework for Malaria SBCC: 2012-2017 set forth an agenda to advocate for and strengthen technical capacity for SBCC; a number of developments have occurred since its publication to warrant an update and extension of the original framework.

            Available in English, French, and Portuguese.

            Many people in malaria-prone areas now have access to insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) and to effective antimalarial drug treatment. Although the number of countries with areas of low transmission has grown, the number of new pharmacological, epidemiological and vector challenges has also increased. Recent global strategy documents, such as the RBM Partnership’s Action and Investment to Defeat Malaria and WHO’s Global Technical Strategy for Malaria, call for new approaches and interventions as countries scale up and the dynamics of malaria transmission change.

            The intended audiences for the Strategic Framework are:

            • Technical staff at the global, national, and local levels who are responsible for designing, implementing, monitoring, evaluating, and coordinating malaria control and elimination policies, strategies, and interventions
            • RBM SBCC-oriented partners who are engaged in developing, implementing, and evaluating SBCC programmes/projects and who contribute to the global discourse on effective approaches to SBCC

            The document is divided into three major parts that address specific themes:

            1. Advocacy: Champion the critical role of malaria SBCC, Share the malaria SBCC evidence base, Ensure political commitment for SBCC Improve capacity and coordination, Provide support at global and regional levels, Grow the RBM SBCC Working Group, Adapt to new SBCC challenges
            2. Technical Guidance: Characteristics of effective SBCC planning, Overview of process, Elements of a malaria SBCC strategy, Global Changes
            3. Toolkits and Resources: Malaria SBCC resources

            Last modified: March 25, 2019

            Language: English, French, Portuguese

            Ebola Preparedness Implementation Kit

            This Ebola Communication Preparedness Implementation Kit (I-Kit) provides national and local stakeholders, as well as program managers, with key considerations and a roadmap for instituting and implementing critical, relevant, practical and timely communication for responding to the threat of an Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak.

            The I-Kit guides countries in social and behavior change communication (SBCC) and risk communication activity planning, including communication plan development for every stage of an Ebola response. For any country facing a major health crisis, national preparedness plans need to include and support communication efforts. Integration of communication into the preparedness agenda from the outset ensures that preparedness communication is harmonized, relevant, timely, financially supported and aligned among all of the preparedness technical teams. Robust national communication preparedness plans maximize the effectiveness of Ebola communication and equip communication trainers and experts with a common set of tools and modules.

            This kit is available in English and Portuguese.

            Last modified: March 25, 2019

            Language: English, Portuguese

            De que estas a aspera? [What are You Waiting For?”]

            This poster is part of the Mozambique Medical Circumcision campaign. It portrays a soccer player asking this question, and is amed at men who are still ambivalent about undergoing medical circumcision. It is meant to be displayed in public places, including health facilities.

            Source: Mozambique Ministry of Health

            Date of Publication: March 25, 2019