Community Group Engagement: Changing Norms to Improve Sexual and Reproductive Health

This brief describes the evidence on and experience with community group engagement (CGE) interventions that aim to foster healthy sexual and reproductive health (SRH) behaviors.

The distinguishing characteristic of CGE interventions from other social and behavior change (SBC) interventions is that they work with and through community groups to influence individual behaviors and/or social norms rather than shifting behavior by targeting individuals alone. Specifically, community support can shift individual behaviors, including contraceptive behaviors, either by changing norms or individual knowledge and attitudes.

Last modified: March 25, 2019

Language: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish




    Agora so faltas tu! [You are the Only One Missing!]

    This poster was developed as part of the Mozambique Medical Circumcision campaign. It shows a group of young men addressing their friend, who is the only one of the group who has not yet undergone medical circumcision. The poster is aimed at young men who are considering medical circumciison.

    Source: Mozambique Ministry of Health

    Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

    Agora somos um casal que se entende melhor [As a Couple, We Understand Each Other Better]

    This poster is part of the medical circumcision campaign in Mozambique, and is designed to be displayed in health clinics and other public areas. It portrays a couple embracing and reinforces the role of the woman in influencing her partner to undergo medical circumcision.

    Source: Mozambique Ministry of Health

    Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

    ANC-IPTp Promotion Poster [Mozambique]

    In 2012, as part of its support to the MoH community health program in the Inhambane province of Mozambique, Malaria Consortium provided a refresher training to hundreds of community health workers focused on the promotion of antenatal care services, including the prevention of malaria during pregnancy, and interpersonal communication and counselling skills. Very few quality materials exist to promote and market IPTp services, while community health workers consistently request for visual materials to help them in their efforts to communicate with community members.

    This poster was developed to fill this gap. This poster was designed to be used by community health workers as a counselling tool to promote and discuss ANC services and malaria prevention with pregnant women and their families. It presents a sequence of ANC visits linked to specific malaria prevention services received by pregnant women.

    There are images of the different stages of the pregnancy (belly growing bigger) which are easier for the women to recognize and identify with than months or weeks of pregnancy, as confirmed during pre-test. The poster also features the “promised positive outcome” of the recommended visits in words (title says: go to ANC, the mother will be stronger and the new-born healthy) and images: healthy mother and baby.

    Source: Malaria Consortium

    Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

    Aqui seras sempre bem recebido e atendido [You WIll Always be Welcome and Well Cared For Here]

    This poster is part of the medical circumcision campaign in Mozambique. It portrays a man entering a male circunmcision clinic, being welcomed by smiling medical professionals. The poster is aimed at men and boys considering medical circumsision, to let them know that they will be well cared for and warmly welcomed at the clinic.

    Source: Mozambique Ministry of Health

    Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

    Circuncisao Medico: Carinho e cuidado de mãe [Medical Circumcision: Affection and Mother Care]

    This pamphlet is part of the Mozambique Medical Circumcision project. It is aimed at mothers and guardians of young boys, and explains that circumcision is being offered for boys 10 years old and over. It explains the benefits of medical circumcision, what happens at the health facility, and how the procedure will affect the boy’s activities.

    Source: Mozambique Ministry of Health

    Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

    Circuncisao Medico: Mais saúde para a nossa comunidade [Medical Circumcision: Greater Health for our Community]

    This pamphlet, deisgned to provide information to local leaders, is part of the Mozambique Male Circumcision project. The pamphlet explains why MC is important for HIV prevention, how it is performed, and what to expect when undergoing the procedure.

    Source: Mozambique Ministry of Health

    Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

    Circuncisao Medico: O que é, como é feita? [Medical Circumcision – What is it? How is it done?]

    This pamphlet is part of the Mozambique Medical Circumcision program, and is directed at the general community. It explains what medical circumcision is, and what the benefits are for both men and women.

    Source: Mozambique Ministry of Health

    Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

    Circuncisao Medico: Para a sua boa recuperação [Medical Circumcision: For a good recovery]

    This pamphlet is part of the Mozambique Medical Circumcision project. It is aimed at those who have had or plan to have a medical circumcision procedure done, and explains recovery and post operative care. This includes getting rest, keeping the body well-cleansed, signs of complications, and resuming normal sexual activity.

    Source: Mozambique Ministry of Health

    Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

    Circuncisao Medico: Tudo o que você precisa saber [Medical Circumcision: Everything You Need to Know]

    This pamphlet, designed for both you and adults for the Mozambique Male Circumcision project, explains the procedure, including information to answer the following questions:

    • What is medeical circumcision?
    • Why is it important?
    • What happens before, during, and after medical circumcision?

    Source: Mozambique Ministry of Health

    Date of Publication: March 25, 2019